So Kevin plays Mr. Brooks - entrepreneur, philanthropist, artist, loving husband and father- all around evolved human being in Clark Kent specs and bow ties. He just has one little addiction - he really likes to kill people. When the 12 steps fail him, and he gives in to that nagging little voice in his head (gleefully brought to life by none other than William Hurt!) he is caught on film by a creepy peeping tom (Dane Cook) who is so excited by the whole thing that he decides to blackmail Mr. Brooks into letting him tag along on his next adventure. Is this twisted enough for you? Cuz it gets a whole lot more complicated.
The story is deliciously convoluted as our hero (!) dodges the detective (Demi Moore,) deals with his demented fan, digs his equally dangerous offspring out of her mess and battles his personal demons. Our Mr. Brooks may be tortured but he is NOT dull and it all comes together in a tidy little way that left me grinning. Well written, original thinking for a thriller and Kevin, Dane and William are having so much fun! Kudos! Check out the clever website here.
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