Friday, August 24, 2007

End of the Spear

Sometimes a film is terrific because it tells a good story. No famous faces, no fancy effects - just a good story. This is such a film. What makes it actually even more terrific is that this film was produced by an independent company called Every Tribe Entertainment. Their byline: "We are storytellers. Every Tribe Entertainment creates films that address globally relevant issues in order to incite a positive impact on the world." How cool is that?

I'll tell you how cool. End of the Spear is a true story about an indigenous tribe in Ecuador that nearly drove themselves to extinction by the routine practice of revenge killings. He gave you a funny look - skewer him... that sort of thing. So this group of missionaries - families - decide to try to make contact, and show them another way. What follows is a story of amazing folly, tragedy, courage and human compassion. We can save the debate on the right of everyman to his own culture no matter how perverse for another day. This is a story about people caring about the lives and well being of other people.

You won't know any of the actors, although Louie Leonardo in a loincloth is hard to forget. The cinematography of this beautiful portion of the Amazon is top notch. But most of all, this is a well told story. Stay for the credits and meet the real people behind the story. Website here.

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