Monday, July 16, 2007


"Inspired by the true story of the greatest breach of security in US history." That is the tag line of Breach, and although I tend to get nervous whenever I read inspired by, (as in mostly fiction) this is an interesting and mostly accurate take on the last days of Robert Hanssen. If you were on some other planet seven years ago, Mr. Hanssen is doing life in a super max prison for some 20 years of espionage for the Soviet Union.

Bob Hanssen was a brilliant weirdo of the first order and Chris Cooper, just one of my favorite underrated character actors ever, does him justice in every way. I got the distinct impression of the always overlooked loner, smarter than most of those around him, growing more jaded and ego maniacal by the day. Although they spare us the years of back story, Cooper imparts us with a sense of the oddness of the man - who didn't drink, went to mass every day, and had a taste for strippers and porn. (If you're curious read more of the story here.)

Ryan Phillippe plays the eager young wannabe sent to spy on the spy and the always impeccable Laura Linney rounds out the cast as the lead on the investigation. Phillippe was better than expected (another baby face who's just going to get better.) Even though I knew the ending, this is a taut little thriller, leaving you to wonder how this kid is going to outwit someone who's generally two steps ahead of him. The answer is inevitable. Human ego gets 'em all in the end.

See the interactive website here, and take the actual FBI entrance exam.

1 comment:

WB6NAH said...

OMGBBQ, I remember all but the last 10 minutes of that movie.