The adapted screenplay part - this was an Americanized version of the Japanese blockbuster "Infernal Affairs." As for the rest - it would be pretty hard to mess up a movie featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen and Jack. Nicholson actually does his Nicholson schtick here, not that that isn't exactly what's asked of him - but it's hardly a stretch for Jack to play a charming if psycho Irish crime boss. Leo was surprisingly good in a surprisingly grown up way - by far one of his most challenging roles in a long while. Wahlberg was nominated for Best Supporting for cursing and about 10 total minutes of screen time (?) The unsung hero is Damon - who gave a rock solid performance and got about as much attention as a used coffee cup. DiCaprio and Damon made for a perfect match of light and dark - one edgy and pill popping, the other icy and unaffected.
It's a great story - a mole in the police department and a mole in the crime world trying to outwit each other and stay alive - each not quite knowing the identity of the other. Don't expect it to have a happy ending and be prepared for a good deal of murder and mayhem, however it'll keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat, just like a thriller should.
See the website here.
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